Administrative issuances from the State Administrator, 1935-1942.


Administrative issuances from the State Administrator, 1935-1942.

These Engineering Bulletins (1935), WPA Bulletins (1938-1942), administrative orders (1939), memoranda (1938-1939), and miscellaneous issuances were distributed to district offices and deal with project operations, establishment and clarification of regulations, and public relations activities.

.4 cubic ft.


SNAC Resource ID: 6765263

Related Entities

There are 4 Entities related to this resource.

United States. Works Progress Administration. Kentucky. (corporateBody)

United States. Work Projects Administration. Kentucky (corporateBody)

The Civil Works Administration (CWA), created by executive order on November 9, 1933, was a short-term experiment in work relief. Its general goal was to provide temporary work for needy unemployed during the winter of 1933-1934. Four million people were employed by CWA work relief projects before its close in March, 1934. Partly due to the success of CWA, a Works Division was established in the Federal Emergency Relief Administration to guide states in administering additional work relief proje...